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Roller Bits

  • AL517 Roller Cone Cutter
  • AL517 Roller Cone Cutter
  • AL517 Roller Cone Cutter
AL517 Roller Cone CutterAL517 Roller Cone CutterAL517 Roller Cone Cutter

AL517 Roller Cone Cutter

  • Product description: Series type of cone bits are assembly parts of Tricone bit and hole opener,its the main cutting structure of a bit.

Series type of cone bits are assembly parts of Tricone bit and hole opener,its the main cutting structure of a bit.

Cutting Structure

Reinforcing the comprehensive mechanical properties of cutting tooth by using high quality tungsten carbide inserts of new formula and new techniques of insert bit.

Gauge Structure

The multiple heel position with gauge trimmer on the heel, tungsten carbide and hardfacing on the shirttail, strengthened spear point will enhance the gauge protection.

Bearing Structure

High precision journal bearing with two thrust faces. Ball locked cone. Hardfaced head bearing surface. Cone bearing inlaid with friction reducing alloy and then silver-plated. Abrasion resistance and seizure resistance of the bearing are improved, and suitable for high rotary speed.

Seal and Lubrication

The advanced metal seal package is composed by two metal seals and two elastic rubber energineers. The energizer and back-up ring will support the pushing force to make the two metal faces tightly contact. In the drilling, the metal seals are relevant moving, and the energizers are static. This will increase the bearing seal reliability and durability. The compensation system and the high quality bit grease can limit pressure differential, and greatly increase the lubricating reliability.


Contact: AULONE

Phone: 86-15573139663

Tel: 86-0731-83165008

Email: [email protected]

Add: Address:Kaiyuan road 36,Chunkou,Liuyang, Hunan,China.

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